
Terms and Conditions for A associates of Best Value Europe

  1. Associates contribute actively to the development of Best Value and themselves by gaining at least 5 educational points.
  2. A+ trainers may issue a B certificate to trainees, after having provided a Best Value training with a minimum of 5 sessions in which the entire process and the underlying philosophy has been discussed. The cost per certificate is € 50,-. Cerificate holders will be listed in the BV-E registry.
  3. To insure timely delivery, the B certificate training and issue dates of certificates need to be reported at least 14 days in advance to BV-E (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  4. BV-E gives each associate the opportunity to present themselves and/or their organization on its website. New associates receive details about the presentation format.
  5. Associates receive a 25% discount on the admission for the annual Best Value Europe conference.
  6. Associates that co-organize the annual Best Value Europe conference receive free admission.
  7. A+ certified associates are invited to take place in the Best Value Certification Board to take turns in certifying a Best Value professional to A level.
  8. BV-E organizes a knowledge and experience session at least twice a year. Admission is free for associates.
  9. BV-E supports associates in publishing Best Value results.
  10. Associates may apply for Best Value projects through Best Value Europe.
  11. Both the associate and BV-E may cancel the membership if it is proven that these terms and conditions are not met.
  12. The membership of the associate starts on the first day of the month in which the associate has applied.
  13. Within 15 days of application the associate will receive an invoice for the contribution for the first year. The payment term is 14 days.
  14. The membership is automatically renewed each year unless the membership is cancelled by email at least 30 days before the expiry of the term.